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Collegiate Shoot-Out
2024 Tournament Lodging

The following tournament lodging rates are being offered by South Point to Las Vegas Invitational and Collegiate Shoot-Out Tournament participants.

Room Type Dates Room Rates - Single or Double
Premium Room Sun. thru Thur. $73.00/night + taxes
Fri. & Sat. $109.00/night + taxes
Rate are valid from Monday December 16, 2023 thru Sunday December 22, 2024. Room tax is 13%.
No resort fee is charged on the above rates.
South Point will charge the first night’s room and tax at the time of booking and cancellation is 72 hours prior to the arrival date.
Please make reservations online at: BE.SYNXIS.COM.
Online is preferred, but you can also make reservations by calline South Point at (866) 791-7626 and using the group code GLE1224.
Deadline to book this rate is November 27, 2024.

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Revised 7/1/2024